Source code for geostochpy.modcomcot

import numpy as np
from import loadmat,savemat
import geostochpy
import shutil
[docs] def save_matformat(lons_ep,lats_ep,depth,dip,rake,strike,slip,dx,dy,output_file,time=[]): # Save grids in a .mat file # if you have a kinematic rupture, you can to insert a time array of nx*ny size # else, all subfaults broke in t=0 if time!=[]: mdic_multifault={'depth':depth.flat,'length':dy*np.ones_like(depth.flat),'width':dx*np.ones_like(depth.flat), 'slip':slip,'strike':strike.flat,'dip':dip.flat,'rake':rake.flat ,'lat':lats_ep,'lon':lons_ep,'time':np.zeros_like(depth.flat)} if output_file.endswith('.mat'): savemat(output_file,mdic_multifault) else: savemat(output_file+'.mat',mdic_multifault) else: mdic_multifault={'depth':depth.flat,'length':dy*np.ones_like(depth.flat),'width':dx*np.ones_like(depth.flat), 'slip':slip,'strike':strike.flat,'dip':dip.flat,'rake':rake.flat ,'lat':lats_ep,'lon':lons_ep,'time':time} if output_file.endswith('.mat'): savemat(output_file,mdic_multifault) else: savemat(output_file+'.mat',mdic_multifault) return print(f'{output_file} saved :) \n')
[docs] def make_multifault(filemat,fname,fname_layerdomain): # Load the fault parameters from the MATLAB file layerdomain=np.loadtxt(fname_layerdomain) X_start=np.min(layerdomain[:,0]) Y_start=np.min(layerdomain[:,1]) data = loadmat(filemat) depth = data['depth'].flatten() length = data['length'].flatten() width = data['width'].flatten() slip = data['slip'].flatten() strike = data['strike'].flatten() dip = data['dip'].flatten() rake = data['rake'].flatten() lat = data['lat'].flatten() lon = data['lon'].flatten() time = data['time'].flatten() n_segment = depth.size # You need to remember that this file write since second subfault, # the first you need insert in COMCOT # Open the COMCOT control file for writing with open(fname, 'w') as f: # Write the COMCOT control file header f.write('#################################################\n') f.write('# #\n') f.write('# Control file for COMCOT program (v1.7) #\n') f.write('# MULTI-FAULT CONFIGURATION #\n') f.write('#################################################\n') f.write('#--+-----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8\n') f.write('#===============================================:===============================\n') f.write('# Parameters for Multiple Fault Plane Setup : Value Field |\n') f.write('#===============================================:===============================\n\n') # Write the fault parameters for each segment for i in range(1, n_segment): f.write('###############################################:===============================\n') f.write('# Parameters for Fault Segment %i :Values |\n' % int(i+1)) f.write('###############################################:===============================\n') f.write(' Fault Rupture Time (seconds) : %f\n' % time[i]) f.write(' Faulting Option (0: Model; 1- Data;) : 0\n') f.write(' Focal Depth (meter): %f\n' % (depth[i] )) f.write(' Length of source area (meter): %f\n' % (length[i] * 1000)) f.write(' Width of source area (meter): %f\n' % (width[i] * 1000)) f.write(' Dislocation of fault plate (meter): %f\n' % (slip[i] )) f.write(' Strike direction (theta) (degree): %f\n' % strike[i]) f.write(' Dip angle (delta) (degree): %f\n' % dip[i]) f.write(' Slip angle (lambda) (degree): %f\n' % rake[i]) f.write(' Origin of Comp. Domain (Layer 01) (Lat, degree): %f\n' % Y_start) f.write(' Origin of Comp. Domain (Layer 01) (Lon, degree): %f\n' % X_start) f.write(' Epicenter Location: Latitude (degree): %f\n' % lat[i]) f.write(' Epicenter Location: Longitude (degree): %f\n' % (lon[i])) f.write(' File Name of Deformation Data :\n') f.write(' Data Format Option (0-COMCOT; 1-MOST; 2-XYZ) : 2\n\n') # Close the COMCOT control file f.close() list_segment1=[time[0],depth[0],length[0]*1000,width[0]*1000,slip[0],strike[0],dip[0],rake[0],Y_start,X_start,lat[0],lon[0]] return list_segment1
[docs] def make_comcot_ctl(total_runtime,time_save_interval,num_subfaults,list_segment1,filename_layers): # Especifica el nombre del archivo route_comcot=geostochpy.get_data('comcot.ctl') # Abre el archivo en modo escritura with open(route_comcot, 'r') as f: # Escribe el encabezado del archivo de control COMCOT lines=f.readlines() ##### read filename_layers gridsizes=[] # X_start=[] X_end=[] Y_Start=[] Y_end=[] # for layer in filename_layers: file=np.loadtxt(layer) if gridsizes==[]: gridsizes.append(np.abs(file[1,0]-file[0,0])*60) else: gridsizes.append(gridsizes[0]/(np.abs(file[1,0]-file[0,0])*60)) X_start.append(np.nanmin(file[:,0])) X_end.append(np.nanmax(file[:,0])) Y_Start.append(np.nanmin(file[:,1])) Y_end.append(np.nanmax(file[:,1])) ###### Start with edition lines[10]=f' Total run time (Wall clock, seconds) : {total_runtime}\n' lines[11]=f' Time interval to Save Data ( unit: sec ) : {time_save_interval}\n' #### editing fault parameters##### lines[25]=f' No. of FLT Planes (With fault_multi.ctl if >1) : {num_subfaults}\n' lines[26]=f' Fault Rupture Time (seconds) : {list_segment1[0]}\n' lines[28]=f' Focal Depth (meter): {list_segment1[1]}\n' lines[29]=f' Length of source area (meter): {list_segment1[2]}\n' lines[30]=f' Width of source area (meter): {list_segment1[3]}\n' lines[31]=f' Dislocation of fault plate (meter): {list_segment1[4]}\n' lines[32]=f' Strike direction (theta) (degree): {list_segment1[5]}\n' lines[33]=f' Dip angle (delta) (degree): {list_segment1[6]}\n' lines[34]=f' Slip angle (lamda) (degree): {list_segment1[7]}\n' lines[35]=f' Origin of Comp. Domain (Layer 01) (Lat, degree): {list_segment1[8]}\n' lines[36]=f' Origin of Comp. Domain (Layer 01) (Lon, degree): {list_segment1[9]}\n' lines[37]=f' Epicenter: Latitude (degree): {list_segment1[10]}\n' lines[38]=f' Epicenter: Longitude (degree): {list_segment1[11]}\n' ###### editing grid 1 parameters lines[66]=f' Run This Layer ? (0:Yes, 1:No ): 0\n' lines[67]=f' Coordinate System (0:spherical, 1:cartesian): 0\n' lines[68]=f' Governing Equations (0:linear, 1:nonlinear): 0\n' lines[69]=f' Grid Size (dx, sph:minute, cart:meter) : {gridsizes[0]}\n' lines[70]=f' Time step ( second ): 1.0\n' lines[71]=f' Bottom Friction Switch? (0:Yes,1:No,2:var. n ) : 1\n' lines[72]=f' Manning\'s Roughness Coef. (For fric.option=0) : 0.013\n' lines[73]=f' Layer Ouput Option? (0:Z+Hu+Hv;1:Z Only;2:NONE): 1\n' lines[74]=f' X_start : {X_start[0]}\n' lines[75]=f' X_end : {X_end[0]}\n' lines[76]=f' Y_Start : {Y_Start[0]}\n' lines[77]=f' Y_end : {Y_end[0]}\n' lines[78]=f' File Name of Bathymetry Data : {filename_layers[0]}\n' # editin another grids for i in np.arange(1,len(gridsizes)): k=0 lines[87+20*k]=f' Run This Layer ? (0:Yes, 1:No ): 0\n' lines[88+20*k]=f' Coordinate (0:spherical, 1:cartesian): 0\n' lines[89+20*k]=f' Governing Eqn. (0:linear, 1:nonlinear): 0\n' lines[90+20*k]=f' Bottom Friction Switch? (0:Yes,1:No,2:var. n ) : 1\n' lines[91+20*k]=f' Manning\'s Roughness Coef. (For fric.option=0) : 0.013\n' lines[92+20*k]=f' Layer Ouput Option? (0:Z+Hu+Hv;1:Z Only;2:NONE): 1\n' lines[93+20*k]=f' GridSize Ratio of Parent layer to current layer: {gridsizes[i]}\n' lines[94+20*k]=f' X_start : {X_start[i]}\n' lines[95+20*k]=f' X_end : {X_end[i]}\n' lines[96+20*k]=f' Y_Start : {Y_Start[i]}\n' lines[97+20*k]=f' Y_end : {Y_end[i]}\n' lines[98+20*k]=f' File Name of Bathymetry Data : {filename_layers[i]}\n' k+=1 with open('comcot.ctl', 'w') as newfile: newfile.writelines(lines) return